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[X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG]

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[X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG] Empty [X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG]

Message par iGogol Sam 6 Aoû 2016 - 14:14

Hop, la vague 10 annoncée à la GenCon aux États Unis.
Ça donne envie ! Razz Il n'y a plus qu'à attendre …

Source : https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2016/8/5/ill-show-you-the-dark-side/

[X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG] Swx36-logo
"I'll show you the dark side."
     –Kylo Ren
Fly a Rebel TIE fighter. Scavenge for upgrades. Use the power of the dark side to cripple your foes with your choice of critical hits…
Three new starships and a wealth of fantastic new upgrades are headed your way in the tenth wave of X-Wing™️ starship expansions!

  • Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack
  • Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack
  • Quadjumper Expansion Pack

[X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG] Swx59-61_titleimage
From left to right: the quadjumper, Sabine's TIE fighter, and the Upsilon-class shuttle
Inspired by The Force Awakens and Star Wars Rebels, these expansions add new strategic options for each of the game's three primary factions. They introduce all-new maneuvers. They make it possible for you to dramatically alter your squadron deployment. And they introduce condition cards that you can trigger to create powerful, lingering effects.

Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack

The ubiquitous TIE fighter was one of the Empire’s most common symbols of oppression. When one of these nimble craft fell into the hands of Rebel saboteur and artist Sabine Wren, she knew exactly how to customize it for use against the Empire.
After battling against hundreds and thousands and unending waves of TIE fighters, the Rebels get to fly their own version of the ship with Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack, but it features far more color and far more surprises than you might expect from an Imperial fighter produced by the thousands.
[X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG] Swx59_layout
In addition to its miniature TIE fighter, pre-painted to reflect the color scheme that Sabine Wren chose for her stolen TIE, the Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack comes with four unique ship cards and six upgrades, including a condition that you can use to reduce your opponent's firepower, a new crew member, and a new piece of illicit technology.
What good are a new crew member and a new illicit upgrade, you might ask, in a TIE fighter expansion? Well, this is no ordinary TIE fighter. This is Sabine's Masterpiece,  and the expansion's unique Title upgrade allows you to add both the crew and illicit upgrades to her ship!

Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack

Everyone knew things on Jakku were about to take a turn for the worse when BB-8 alerted Poe Dameron, who rose his quadnoculars to his eye and caught sight of an Upsilon-class shuttle on the horizon. Grim, sleek, and menacing, the Upsilon-class shuttle's appearance heralded the arrival of a high-ranking First Order officer, and it turned out to be none other than the fearsome warrior, Kylo Ren.
[X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG] Swx60_layout
The Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack invokes the terror of this opening scene from The Force Awakens by partnering its pre-painted, large-base miniature shuttle with fifteen upgrades. These allow you to load your shuttle with advanced technology and talented crew. Chief among these is Kylo Ren.  For three squad points, Kylo Ren allows you to turn the dark side of the Force against an enemy ship through his use of the condition, I'll Show You the Dark Side .
New to Wave X, conditions are persistent effects that some ships and upgrades allow you to add to your games. For example, Kylo Ren allows you to apply I'll Show You the Dark Side with the use of an action, targeting an enemy ship within Range 1–3. Then, once a condition is applied, its text is immediately resolved, and any ship that Kylo Ren targets with his condition becomes far more vulnerable to crippling critical effects such as those from Blinded Pilot and Damaged Cockpit.

Quadjumper Expansion Pack

Because the quadjumper in The Force Awakens was destroyed while it was landed in the Niima Outpost spaceport, we never got to see this ship in action. Nonetheless, its precise tractor beam array and unique maneuverability make it a versatile favorite among traders and smugglers in the Outer Rim. Naturally, this means it arrives to X-Wing as Scum faction ship, full of new maneuvers and dirty tricks.
[X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG] Swx61_layout
In addition to its pre-painted quadjumper miniature, the Quadjumper Expansion Pack provides access to eight upgrades that allow you to militarize the ship. These include a crew version of blobfish Unkar Plutt,  as well as a unique elite pilot talent and associated condition that help your elite pilots pay back their debts against those who have done them wrong.
Finally, the expansion includes all the tokens you need to fly it to battle, plus a maneuver dial with no fewer than six different speed "1" maneuvers.

What Will You Discover?

"You need a teacher! I can show you the ways of the Force!"
     –Kylo Ren
The dark side of the Force, mercenary greed, and heroic self-sacrifice all play their part in the conditions of X-Wing Wave X, as do three exciting new ships from The Force Awakens and Star Wars Rebels. What will happen when you bring these ships and conditions to the table? What will you discover?
The tenth wave of X-Wing starship expansions is scheduled to arrive to retailers in the fourth quarter of 2016!

Tableau d'avancement de peinture (ou comment exposer sa pile de la honte...)
[X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG] Signat12
Le Technomancien

Messages : 5226
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2011
Localisation : Montaigu-Vendée

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[X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG] Empty Re: [X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG]

Message par Cap'taine Zapp Sam 6 Aoû 2016 - 16:28

Mouais, encore une sortie médiocre et racolleuse comme un brésilien au bois de boulogne...

Je crois que je vais faire comme beaucoup de joueurs et me concentrer sur les cinq ou six premières vagues.

Proget WiP: Nécrons pallier 1000pts

A venir : Space Marines, début AoS
Cap'taine Zapp
Cap'taine Zapp

Messages : 3468
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2012
Age : 39
Localisation : Dans une galaxie lointaine, très lointaine

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[X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG] Empty Re: [X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG]

Message par Scypio Sam 6 Aoû 2016 - 17:54

Je regarderai se qu'ils valent une fois sortie
Par contre le paque avec poe et rey m'intéresse beaucoup !!

Dans l'ombre tous les hommes sont égaux, sauf ceux qui s'y soumette.

Messages : 260
Date d'inscription : 15/12/2015
Age : 28
Localisation : Angers city

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[X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG] Empty Re: [X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG]

Message par iGogol Sam 6 Aoû 2016 - 23:09

Scypio a écrit:Je regarderai se qu'ils valent une fois sortie
Par contre le paque avec poe et rey m'intéresse beaucoup !!
C'est quand qu'on se revoit histoire de se faire des parties d'X-wing ? Razz Je suppose que tu as bien été occupé ces derniers temps ! Wink
L'extension avec Rey et Poe est "Héros de la Résistance" (ou un truc comme ça). C'est clair qu'il est vraiment bien. Ça sortira avant, normalement.

Tableau d'avancement de peinture (ou comment exposer sa pile de la honte...)
[X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG] Signat12
Le Technomancien

Messages : 5226
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2011
Localisation : Montaigu-Vendée

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[X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG] Empty Re: [X-wing] Vague 10 [FFG]

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